FROM THE 13TH FAMILY COURTMERITS NO DECREE NO | : 2020/409 Merits :2024/104 | ||||
- With the acceptance of the case, divorce of complainant Tuncay ŞAHAN with 11504058442 TR Identity number, registered in DENİZLİ province, PAMUKKALE district, KURTLUCA neighbourhood/village, Volume 98, Family Sequence No 58, Individual Sequence No 46, son/daughter of NECATİ and PERİHAN, born on 17/09/1972, and defendant Nomeda SOROKINA, registered In the same household, born on 05/07/1966, with 22565903 passport number, a national of the Republic of Lithuania, in accordance with Article 166/1 of the Turkish Civil Code,
- To send the decision to the relevant civil registry office when the decision is finalised,
- To deduct 54,40 TL taken in advance from the 427,60 TL fee required to be taken and to take the remaining 373,20 TL from the defendant and to register it to the treasury,
- A total of 18.139,80 TL, including 54.40 TL advance fee, 54.40 TL application fee, and 18.031,00 TL postage and notification expenses incurred by the plaintiff, to be collected from the defendant and will be given to the complainant,
- Since the complainant was represented by an attorney and the divorce case was decided to be accepted, the attorney fee of 17.900,00 TL in accordance with the Minimum Attorneyship Fee Tariff to be taken from the defendant and given to the complainant,
- To refund the unspent advance on expenses to the depositing party when the decision is finalised in accordance with
Article 333 of the Code of Civil Procedure, In accordance with Article 345 of the Code of Civil Procedure, against the faces of the complainant's counsel and the complainant, the decision to appeal to the 2nd Civil Chamber of the Antalya Regional Court of Justice within a period of two weeks from the notification of the judgement to each of the parties in accordance with Article 345 of the Code of Civil Procedure is clearly read and the reasoned decision that it has been explained in accordance with the method is notified in accordance with Article 29 of the Notification Law No. 7201 to the defendant NOMEDA SOROKINA, a national of Lithuania, born on 05/07/1966, with 22565903 passport number, who cannot be notified. 26/03/2024